The Knowledge Base is here to help you learn about Blaq and get more out of it. It's a full reference guide to every section in Blaq, with descriptions of each section and explanations of the fields in each section.

Because Blaq is constantly being updated with new features and improvements, we will also be updating this Knowledge Base to reflect those changes. However, if you find we've missed something or find any errors, or even if you would like to suggest an item we should add, please let us know.

Below are the main menu items visible at the top of the window when you login to Blaq. Click on any menu item for more information about that section and its sub-sections.
  • CRM
    The CRM module is where you will find your planner and your customer and contact information.
  • Administration
    The Administration module is where you setup the details of your Company.
  • Accounts
    This section is where you can look at your customer's & supplier's accounts, record payments and produce statements.
  • Dashboard
    The Dashboard gives you a customised overview of what is happening in blaq.
  • Purchasing
    The Purchasing module is for purchasing and stock control. Here you can create purchase orders & returns, enter bills, track and record stock delivery and make stock adjustments. You can also view stock availability and allocations.
  • Sales
    The engine room of Blaq where all the sales work occurs. Here you create opportunities and quotes for clients and convert them to jobs. Once completed, jobs are converted to invoices. These can be partially or fully reversed when necessary with adjustment notes.
  • Tools
    This module provides tools to help you get more out of or input more into Blaq, as well as allowing users to customise Blaq.
Last modified: 4/05/2011