What is a 'Transaction' in Blaq?

In Blaq, a transaction refers to any customer or supplier order, such as jobs/invoices, quotes, adjustment notes, purchase orders, bills and returns.

What are Sections, Items and Components?

In the Production Details of most transactions, you create Sections (also called Items) to divide the transaction into parts. The Section can contain a name/title and detailed description, but not the actual products. These are the Components, which are added to the Sections. The Components are the products, and contain details about the quantity and pricing of the product. For example, you might have a Section titled "Book" with components for the cover, the spine and pages.

What does each Status for a transaction mean?

A transaction can have a Status of:
  • Open - the transaction can be edited.
  • Completed - only applies to Jobs. The transaction has been finished and is waiting to be closed (possibly pending final changes). It will no longer appear in work in progress reports, but it can still be modified.
  • Closed - the transaction has been finished and can no longer be edited.
  • Posted - basically the same as Closed, except it means the transaction has been been exported.
  • Lost - only applies to Quotes. It means the Customer has decided not to proceed with the Job. The quotes cannot be modified.
  • Cancelled - means the transaction has been stopped and can't be modified.
I've set the status of my Invoice etc. to 'Closed', but need to make changes. How can i re-open it?

Whilst it is generally not encouraged to re-open transactions once they're closed, sometimes the need is there so it is possible in the Administration > System Maintenance section. You must have been granted access to the System Maintenance section to be able to re-open transactions. Refer to the help for that section for instructions.

How do I delete a quote/job/invoice etc.?

Transactions can't be deleted once they've been created. If you no longer want an open transaction, you can set its status to 'Cancelled'. A cancelled transaction can't be used or modified once it has been cancelled, but it will no longer be included in sales or work in progress reports.

How do I close a Quote?

When a quote is converted into a job, it's status will be automatically set to 'Closed'. The alternatives are 'Cancelled' to cancel the quote, or 'Lost' if the customer doesn't go ahead with the job.

How do I close a Purchase Order?

Purchase Orders are closed in the Goods Receiving section. Refer to the help for that section for instructions.

What is the difference between a Purchase Order and a Bill?

A Purchase Order allows a lot more detail to be entered than a Bill. Usually, you would use a Purchase Order for a detailed order which you want to send to your supplier. Bills are quicker to enter but offer less detail and are more suited to regular invoices you receive for items like electricity and rent. Also, items ordered on Bills aren't included in the Goods Receiving section so will not be included in stock counts.

How do I create an Adjustment Note or a Return?

Adjustment Notes and Returns are both reversals of transactions and therefore can only be created from the transaction that is being reversed. To create an Adjustment Note, go to the Jobs/Invoices section, select an Invoice (status is Closed or Posted) and click on the 'Copy to' button, then select 'new adjustment'. Similarly, to create a Return, go to the Purchase Orders section, select an Purchase Order with a Closed or Posted status and click on the 'Copy to' button, then select 'new return'. Once the Adjustment Note or Return has been created, it will contain all the components of the original transaction. Delete any components you don't want reversed, then close the transaction to finish.

Last modified: 13/01/2010