A schedule of the current jobs in Blaq moving through the departments of your branches.

The current jobs are displayed in a table. The following details are shown:
  • Due - the date the job is due. For overdue jobs the date is shown, for others the date and time is shown.
  • Job - the job number, customer name and job title. To the left of the job, a +/- button allows you to show or hide the parts within the job. You can also click on the job to open it in the Jobs section. If you show the job parts, the title for each part is listed as well as a hint showing a summary of the components in that part. Here you can also move individual job parts to a department.
  • Department - the department the job is currently in. For multi-part jobs whose parts are in more than one branch, this will be set as 'various'. You can move all the parts of the job to one department by selecting that department from the drop-down list.
  • Sales Rep - the sales rep for the job.
  • Operators - the operators for the job.
Above the job schedule are filters which allow you to search by date, branch, sales rep and operator. Change the filters as desired then click on the 'Update' button to run the search on the schedule.

Last modified: 6/01/2010