This section shows a list of payments for all customers.

By opening the payment, you can view more details about how the payment was allocated to invoices.

Payments can't be created in this section, it's purpose is to show recent payments entered into Blaq. To create a new payment for a customer, goto the Customer Accounts section, open the customer then click on the Payments tab.

  • Customer - the company the payment is for.
Payment Info
  • Entered - the date the payment was entered.
Payment Details
  • Payment Date - the date the payment was made.
  • Credit Card Receipt # - the transaction number of the credit card processor.
  • Credit Card Authorisation Code - the authorisation code from the bank.
  • Bank Account - the bank account this payment credits.
Credit Card Details
  • Card Holder's Name - the name on the credit card.
  • Card Number - the credit card number.
  • Card Expiry Date - the expiry date on the card (mm/yy).
  • Card CVN - the card verification number.