Adjustment Notes are for crediting all or part of an invoice.

To create an Adjustment Note, firstly go to Jobs/Invoices and select the Invoice you wish to credit. It must have a Status of Invoiced, Posted or Cancelled.

Click on the 'Copy to' menu and select 'new adjustment'. A new Adjustment Note will be created, containing all the details from the original invoice.

If you wish to only credit part of the original invoice, go to the Production Details tab and remove/alter any of the components. Once you have completed the Adjustment Note, close it by changing the Status in the 'Details' tab to 'Closed'.

Adjustment Note
  • Account - the name of the customer.
  • Requested By - the person who requested the adjustment note.
  • Inv. # - the invoice which this adjustment note was created from.
  • ABN - the customer's Australian Business Number.
  • Job Title - a brief name, title or description for the work.
  • Discount (%) - a discount for the adjustment note. It applies to the whole adjustment note.
  • Tax - the default tax rate. It can be overriden for each component.
  • Currency - applies to the whole adjustment note.
  • Entered - the date the job was entered.
  • Requested - the date the adjustment note was requested.
  • Adjustment Date - the date the adjustment note was closed.
Customer Contact Details
  • Phone - the customer's phone number.
  • Mobile - the contact's mobile number.
  • Fax - the customer's fax number.
  • E-mail - the contact's e-mail address.
  • Entered By - the person who entered the adjustment note.
Last modified: 27/04/2011

More Information

  • Addresses
    Each adjustment note has a postal address where the adjustment note is sent.
  • Comments
    You can make comments about an adjustment note, either for internal purposes or to appear on the adjustment note (if the templates have been designed to include comments).
  • Production Details
    The Production Details are all the sections and components that make up the adjustment note - the actual goods or services which were to be sold.