If goods received from a supplier need to be returned for a refund, a purchase order (which has been closed) can be converted into a return in order to credit the original purchase order and reduce the stock level if those goods are stocked.

The return is created from the closed purchase order. When it's created, all the goods on the original purchase order will be on the return. Any goods not being returned should be deleted from the return, only leaving those to be returned. Once the changes have been completed, change the status of the return to 'Closed' (if you have access to do so) to finish the return. A return can only be created from a closed purchase order - it can't be created as a new blank return.

  • P.O. # - the purchase order the goods were ordered on.
  • Tax - the default tax rate. It can be overriden for each component.
  • Currency - applies to the whole return.
  • Entered - the date the return was entered.
  • Returned - the date the goods were returned.
  • Closed - the date the return was closed.
  • Entered By - the person who enters the return.
Last modified: 9/05/2011

More Information

  • Addresses
    Each return has a delivery address where the return is sent. This will automatically be set as the address for the supplier the goods are being returned to, though it can be changed if desired.
  • Comments
    You can make comments about a return, either for internal purposes or to appear on the return (if the templates have been designed to include comments).
  • Production Details
    The Production Details are all the sections and components that make up the return - the actual goods or services which were to be bought.