Goods receiving allows you to record when goods ordered by Purchase Orders have been received.

The Goods Receiving section lists the goods that have been ordered through the Purchase Order section. To record goods as received, open those goods from the list.

Displayed will be:
  • Ordered By - the person who placed the Purchase Order.
  • Ordered - the date the Purchase Order was placed.
  • Job - if the Purchase Order has been linked to a job, this is shown here.
  • Supplier Invoice # - you can enter here the number of the supplier's invoice number the goods have been supplied on.
  • Autocomplete - by clicking on this, any goods which haven't yet been fully received will have their 'Quantity Received' set to the outstanding amount and their 'Supplier Inv. #' filled in with the invoice number supplied in the field above.
  • Goods List - a list of the goods ordered in the Purchase Order. The columns include:
    • Description - a description of the ordered goods.
    • Unit Price (ex. tax) - the price per unit for each item excluding tax.
    • Unit Price (inc. tax) - the price per unit for each item including tax.
    • Quantity Ordered - the total quantity of this item which was ordered.
    • Total Received - the total quantity of this item which has been received so far.
    • Received By - the person who received this item.
    • Date Received - the date the item was received.
    • Supplier Inv. # - the invoice number supplied by the supplier.
    • Quantity Received - the quantity received of this item. This can not be more than the Quantity Ordered.
    • Auto - clicking on this button will set the Quantity Received to the quantity outstanding for this item.
    • Clr - clicking on this button will set the Quantity Received to zero.
When finished, click the 'Save Goods' button to save your changes. Once all the goods from a Purchase Order are recorded as received the Purchase Order is automatically closed off.
Last modified: 24/06/2009