When you create a customer you must set the customer's payment terms. Enter the different payment terms your company allows in this section. You need to create at least one payment term.

Payment Term
  • Code - an alphanumeric code assigned to the payment term.
  • Description - a description of the payment term.
  • Accounts - the accounts this payment term is available to. The options are:
    • Customer
    • Supplier
    • Customer and Supplier
  • Type - the method by which payment due dates are calculated. The options are:
    • C.O.D. - the payment is due immediately.
    • Days after invoice date - the payment is due 'x' number of days from after the invoice date. The number of days is set in the 'Days' field.
    • Day of month of invoice - the payment is due on the day of the invoice month specified in 'Days'.
    • Days after EOM - payment is due 'x' days after the end of the invoice month. The number of days is set in the 'Days'.
    • Day of month after EOM - the payment is due on day 'x' of next month. The day of the month is set in the 'Days' field.
  • Days - number of days from invoice date or a day next month (depends on above). It is only used when 'Type' is set to 'Days from invoice date' or 'Day of next month'.
Last modified: 16/09/2010