May 25th, 2006
There are several improvements in this month's upgrade:
  • Scrolling - the toolbar and tabs are now fixed in all windows so when scrolling down the window, the toolbar and tabs are always accessible at the top of the window no matter where you are on the page. Likewise, in the Comments or Production Details sections of a transaction, there is a toolbar for adding/deleting comments, items & components fixed at the bottom of the window.
  • Component Details - the Details section of a Component has now been extended to allow much more to be entered.
  • Timesheets - in the Planner section, timesheet entries can be made in the Day View. This way, you can keep track of the work done on a particular job. This work can be viewed in the new Costs section of the job. To add a timesheet entry, go to the Planner Day view, select the relevant time then click on the New button on the toolbar and select "New Time Sheet Entry". Select the Start and Finish Time, the job and the "activity" - the type of work involved. The Activity is selectable from a list of products which have been set as "Time Sheet" products in the Administration > Products section.