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How can I restrict or see another user's transactions or activities?

In Blaq, a user's transactions (jobs, quotes etc.) and activities (in the planner section) can be shared so that other users can view them, or alternatively, they can be restricted so only certain users (or only their owner) can see them. To view the work of another user, ask your Blaq administrator to give you access in the employee's Sub-Employees section.

How do I delete or terminate an employee?

If an employee has just been added and hasn't been used in Blaq, they can be deleted from the Employees section, by selecting them and then clicking on the 'Delete' button.

If they have been used, (for example: assigned as a sales rep to a customer or have entered transactions) then they can't be deleted. If you want to stop them being able to login to Blaq then you simply change their status in the Employees section to 'Terminated'. All their information will remain in Blaq, but they will no longer be able to use the system.

Last modified: 13/01/2010